Barcelona snapshots

Prof. Manuel Eisner

Manuel Eisner psiquiatra Controversias Psiquiatría Barcelona
University of Cambridge, Reino Unido
Ponencia El modelo socioecológico para comprender y hacer frente a la violencia
Fechas 28 Agosto - 31 Agosto, 2020
Mesa redonda 1 Comprendiendo la violencia y la agresión


Prof Manuel Eisner is Wolfson Professor of Criminology, Director of the Violence Research Centre and Deputy Director of the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. His academic work revolves around the explanation of the causes, the consequences and the prevention of interpersonal violence across human societies. He has also been working as an expert or co-author of reports with national governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank and UNODC. In 2014, he organised, with the World Health Organization, the First Global Conference on Violence Reduction at the University of Cambridge. He is the Principal Investigator of the Evidence for Better Lives Study (EBLS), an innovative global birth-cohort study in eight cities across the world at the University of Cambridge and of the Zurich Project on the Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood, with the University of Zurich.


Social-ecological theory is of the major integrative theoretical frameworks for understanding violence and aggression across human development. Originally developed by Urie Bronffenbrenner, it has been become a vibrant multidisciplinary approach to the understanding and the prevention of violence across setting and cultures. The talk will provide a critical review of core assumptions of the social-ecological model, presenting new findings that illuminate core processes. It will also examine how the social-ecological model can help to better understand the complex dynamics across multiple systems that are involved in strategies to reduce violence in entire societies.