Barcelona snapshots

Prof. Gisela Sugranyes

Gisela Sugranyes psiquiatra Controversias Psiquiatría Barcelona
IDIBAPS, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Moderadora Mesa: Innovación en Terapéutica
Fecha Viernes, 11 de Abril de 2025
Hora 14:30 - 16:30


Dr. Sugranyes is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and Senior Research Group Leader at the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), within the 50/50 Hospital Clinic/IDIBAPS program. She is member of the Management Committee of IDIBAPS where she also coordinates the Area of Clinical and Experimental Neuroscience, and is member of the Technical Research and Innovation Committee of the Hospital Clinic Barcelona. She is also a researcher of CIBERSAM, UBNeuro and SGR research groups and is accredited as Associate Professor by the Catalan Agency for University Quality.

She is currently principal investigator in six competitively funded projects and leads a work package in an H2020 grant, as well as securing competitive funds for personnel through the Brain and Behaviour Research Foundation (US), Marie-Skodolska post-doctoral programe, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, as well as private legacies (Alicia Koplowitz, Pons Bartran and Cunillera legacies). She has authored over 90 publications with over 2000 citations, and has received recognitions for her work including the 2024 Responsible Research and Innovation Award, Instituto de Salud Carlos III; NARSAD Young Investigator Award; Journal American Academy Child and Adolescent Psychiatry best NeuroImaging paper 2016-2017 and Editor’s picks 2023; European Psychiatry Association Research Award; Santiago Reig CIBERSAM Award; and the Reference and Young Researcher Awards Spanish Society of Biological Psychiatry.

She has directed European doctoral, masters’ and graduate theses (University of Barcelona, CIBERSAM Interuniversity Master's Degree, Autonomous University of Barcelona, University Pompeu Fabra), and she regularly teaches psychiatry and general practice residents and medical students.

Her trajectory has included research stays at the New York State Psychiatric Institute of Columbia University, New York and at the Department of Psychosis Studies, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College of London. The research of her group is focused on understanding the biological bases underlying the early stages of psychotic disorders, with the aim of promoting early diagnosis and identifying therapeutic targets to improve the clinical approach to these patients.